I love New Year's, I haven't always, but somewhere along the way during those trite but necessary 'Get to know you Games,' when they always seem to ask 'What's your Favorite Holiday,' - or at least it seems like they always pose said question in the 'Get to know you Games,' I've been invited to - I really wanted to know what my favorite Holiday was . . . I didn't want to pick Christmas because EVERYONE likes Christmas, it shouldn't be in the running really; it's like flowers or citrus how can you NOT enjoy them. Can't have it be St. Patrick Day's- not green or drunk enough for that. Not Easter, I don't like pale purples and pinks or feeling obligated to eat the hard boiled eggs we've made pretty and pastel. In the end it was a close call between my Birthday and New Years. And since New Years is almost upon us I predictably will say that New Year's is my favorite Holiday, of course . . . if anybody asks . . .
So, Yes, New Years is my favorite Holiday, of course! I love the count down, the lights, Times Square, Midnight kisses and fireworks. It's one of those fantastical Holidays that you would call glamorous instead of debonair should you see it making it's way down the red carpet.
I've been listening to Peter Pan by Jim Dale when I go work out in the mornings (one of my favorite books to re-read or listen to) and it's showing in my post . . . Oh well. Jim Dale is the same narrator who also recorded the Harry Potter series, he's amazing!
Anyways, I also love the introspection, goal-making and renewing that comes along with the New Year. And as I was revisiting my goals from last year and deciding upon my goals for this year. I had an image of the 'We Can Do It!' girl, Rosie the Riveter pop into my head and so thanks to my GENIUS of a husband, Johnny O'Barr, I have this lovely picture to go along with this post. Yes, that is a picture of me and No, my shoulders have not been digitally enhanced they really are that big through no action or preference of my own. The only heavy lifting I do is cupcakes and children; I specifically avoid any weights. The one time I tried to "tone-up," a little I looked like Popeye for months. Some people are blessed with great skin I got man-shoulders.
2010 New Years Resolutions, in no particular order of importance . . .
1. Drink 4 glasses of water every day (more is allowable and encouraged)
2. Always say the nice things you think about others
3. Never suppress a generous thought
4. Try a new cupcake flavor and/or dessert every month (mine or somebody elses)
New Years resolution #4 is in semi-tribute to one of the best New Years resolutions I have ever heard. About Two years ago My husband's friend - we'll call him Steve. Steve's only resolution for that year was to eat a bucket of fried chicken every month, when asked to explain he said he was tired of not keeping his New Year's resolutions every year so he decided to simplify. We are happy to report he was successful in his monthly fried chicken endeavor.
What are your New Year's Resolutions? Experts say self-improvement goals are more likely to be reached if your make between 3 and 7 goals. And it takes something like 21 days to create a new habit, right? If you would like to try a new Cupcake Company flavor every month shoot me an email at:
or call 208-360-2272