Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Cupcake Winners are . . . .

The cupcake winners are, here wait let me say that again
The cupcake winners are . . .

1. Melissa
2. K8
3. Jade
4. Lacey
5. Monica

You guys are so awesome! I loved them ALL! But I got to say, my hat is off to Jade! Jade wrote a paragraph and she used 11 out of the 15 different flavors we offer - I mean seriously can anyone story top that. Well ladies give me a call and come pick up your prizes! The cupcakes turn into pumpkins at 9pm so gives us a jingle 208-360-2272.



  1. Holy crap, that was the most amazing cupcake I've ever had. Ever. In my whole life. And I've eaten a lot of cupcakes. My husband and I EACH had a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cupcake, and we're still relishing in the sugar coma it induced.

    I've gotta tell you, you're making us miss Moscow all the more.

    I have a request. What are the odds you could take pictures of each of your flavors and link them on your sidebar menu? Every time I look at the list (nearly shorting out my keyboard with my drool) I'm just dying to sneak a peak at their deliciousness.

  2. Thanks Heidi!! And congrats, this is so awesome how great eveything is going for you! - Monica

  3. So I shared one with my hubby and then took one up to Robby and Natalie to share.
    Here's what happened I said to my husband "It's a choc, chip cookie dough"
    he's like "That sounds gross"
    I'm like"Alright well I'm gonna let you have a bite and then I'll eat the rest of your half"
    He's like "Alright"
    So I eat my half (I'll get to that later) then he casually comes up and has a bite of his ONLY TO PLEASE ME CAUSE IT SOUNDS SO GROSS, then I went in to take the rest of it and he GRABS IT OFF ME and ate the rest LOL
    I'm like "See, see, they're good arent' they?"
    He's like "They're alright"
    BUT ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS BABY and he snatched that last part right out from under me.
    Heidi they were the best cupcake I've ever tried in my life.
    I don't know how you do it, and I"m glad I don't, cause at the weight watchers weigh in today I"d be GAINING 50 pounds instead of trying to loose. Maybe it's best the secret is kept with you!!
    You're amazing.
    Keep it up. No wonder you sell out every week.
    Nat and Robby liked their's as well.
